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What is Transformational Leadership video

Use this video to:

  • explain the distinction between management and leadership
  • show how transformational leaders differ from good leaders
  • encourage staff to work towards transformational leadership

Video details

  • Runtime: 2:24 mins
  • Format: HD AVI file
  • File size: Approx 11.5Mb

What is Transformational Leadership?

Poor leaders make today worse for everyone. Transactional leaders focus on making today better by rewarding good performance. Transformational leaders are focused on making tomorrow better. They do this in four ways:

  • Firstly, Vision. Transformational leaders create a noble vision to work towards that inspires others.
  • Secondly, Authenticity. Transformational leaders are authentic in their interactions with their team. Their integrity inspires team members to take action.
  • Thirdly, a Growth Mindset. Transformational leaders help cultivate their team’s professional and personal development. They invest time and energy, knowing the effort will eventually bear fruit.
  • And finally, Creativity. Transformational leaders encourage their team to think creatively, work with flair and embrace originality. They allow measured risks, which foster innovation.

Teams with transformational leaders are CONSTANTLY being changed for the better. To review, transformational leaders:

  • Works towards a noble vision
  • Act with authenticity and honesty
  • Adopt a growth mindset
  • and promote creativity and new ideas

Sharing & copyright information

This resource is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. It may be freely used and shared for commercial & non-commercial purposes provided it remains attributed to Better Business Learning Pty Ltd (trading as ‘Change Activation’), is not modified or displayed in part, and is not re-sold. For further information contact info@changeactivation.com.