Just launched: Enterprise Change Management Platform



Communication objectives plan

This plan helps you to ensure that all communication are aligned with the initial objectives of the change project. Identifying the principles and objectives of the change communications Defining who will coordinate the communications Outlining roles and responsibilities for communicating with various stakeholders Identifying a budget (if needed)

Communication channels matrix

This tool helps ensure that a variety of different communication methods are leveraged throughout the change initiative by change leaders and managers; thus addressing the different communication styles of intended recipients This worksheet illustrates that communication is much more than emails or PowerPoint presentations

Stakeholder Communications Matrix

This template helps change leaders identify the various stakeholder groups early in the change process and then outline the specific messages each needs to receive in order for the organization to be appropriately aware and engaged This ensures the right people get the information relevant to their roles and responsibilities and engages them in owning …

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Key message planning

This simple template helps identify the audience of a message, the best channel for delivery of the message, and a broad overview of the message content

Storytelling story structure template

Storytelling is a powerful art, and this tool helps leaders and managers develop motivational, memorable stories by using a straight-forward template that enables managers and leaders to understand and outline the structure of the narrative arc used in effective story development

‘Tailor the message’ worksheet

This tool is used in the development of effective message content and reminds change managers and leaders to consider the four different approaches to communication outlined in the ‘Accommodating different Communication Styles’ module: Action, Process, People, and Ideas

Powerful vision statement worksheet

This tool helps leaders to create inspiring overall vision statements for a change It offers guidelines for ensuring that the message is powerful, clear and evokes an emotional response in the target audience

Personal change readiness self-assessment

This self-assessment investigates an individual’s likely disposition toward change It is designed to provoke personal reflection regarding such change components as risk, control, and flexibility

Personal lessons from change worksheet

This tool helps develop an individual’s appreciation of well-managed change efforts that they have witnessed during their career It then invites individuals to consider how the organization can improve the way that change is implemented and to benefit from the lessons learned from previous successes

Appreciative Inquiry Worksheet

This tool helps direct individual awareness of what the organization does best and how by focusing employees and leaders on its best moments and achievements It enables them to envision ways they might leverage the core values and competencies of the enterprise to create an environment of flourishing while realizing peak performance