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What is Project Management video

Use this video to promote an understanding of:

  • what constitutes a project
  • how projects differ from ongoing business activities
  • the three constraints of projects: time, budget and quality
  • how to maximize likelihood of project success

Video details

  • Runtime: 2:42 mins
  • Format: HD AVI file
  • File size: Approx 20Mb

What is Project Management?

The management of on-going tasks requires a different approach to the management of one-off tasks. Project management is about getting a these temporary endeavors complete on-time and on-budget. The sad truth is that for one reason or another most projects fail to meet their objectives.

So here’s eight weapons you can add to your arsenal to make sure your project has the best chance of success:

  1. Firstly, make sure all stakeholders agree in granular detail on the final outcome of the project. By agreeing about deliverables at the outset of a project you will guard against the scope growing monstrously out of control.
  2. Planning is 80 per cent of project management. Remember the 6 p’s: Proper planning prevents poor project performance.
  3. There’s lots of great tools that can help you keep track of your project. Use these during your planning!
  4. Before building your team, consider the skills and know-how you’ll need to complete the project. Then compare that list with the PEOPLE that you have. Add and subtract people as necessary.
  5. Make sure you consider how information will flow where it is needed and that all stakeholders know what is happening.
  6. Prepare for stormy seas by considering what risks your project might be exposed to and plan how to best navigate to avoid or mitigate them.
  7. If you’ve planned properly, implementation of your project should be like conducting an orchestra, keeping the various players in check with clear, constant communication and leadership.
  8. After completing the project, report on what was done well and what could have been done better. This way your team will be better positioned to tackle their next project.

Remember: anyone can complete a project by throwing more time and money at it. The real challenge is to achieve a quality outcome using the least time and money. To summarise, to make sure your project is completed on-time, on-budget meeting its scope in a quality manner:

  • Remember that planning is paramount
  • Fiercely guard against scope creep by getting solid agreement on the required deliverables
  • Make sure you know about and use available project management tools
  • Think about the skills your project needs before building your team
  • Think hard about what risks your project could face
  • Communicate like an orchestral conductor during implementation
  • And don’t forget to review, reflect and report on your project’s successes and shortcomings so your team learns from the experience!

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This resource is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. It may be freely used and shared for commercial & non-commercial purposes provided it remains attributed to Better Business Learning Pty Ltd (trading as ‘Change Activation’), is not modified or displayed in part, and is not re-sold. For further information contact info@changeactivation.com.