Just launched: Enterprise Change Management Platform


What is Change Management video

Use this video to promote an understanding of:

  • the reasons organizations change
  • how individuals differ in their responses to change
  • the importance of communicating the need to change
  • how to prompt action, not despair
  • how to cultivate change resilience

Video details:

  • Runtime: 3:28 mins
  • Format: HD AVI file
  • File size: 136.5MB

What is Change Management?

Management ‘gurus’ make a fortune teaching organizations how to deal with change. Some say “To change one’s organization, one must change one’s inner being.”, selling countless books and costly implementation systems. Some will convince you that “Your platform is burning!”. But ultimately, it comes down to this. In our globalized and interconnected economy, organizations deal with continually shifting:

  • Market conditions
  • Competition
  • Input costs
  • Technologies
  • Circumstances

Organizations must adapt... or die. They must continually re-evaluate their business model, and consider the appropriateness of the strategy and tactics they are employing to reach their long term goals. “Change Management” is re-aligning the organization thoughtfully and carefully based on the answers.

But... the problem with change is that people who have been doing things for a long time, a certain way, don’t like to suddenly be told “you have to do things differently!”. Change is usually accompanied by:

  • Uncertainty
  • Poor communication
  • Chaos
  • Power-plays

But there are ways to manage change successfully! If you are managing a change, ensure you:

  • Communicate the threat of not changing.
  • Involve your team in decision making (when possible)
  • Minimize uncertainty.
  • Celebrate successes in moving towards the desired state.
  • Keep explaining the reasons to change.

When there’s an information vacuum, people often assume their managers are plotting terrible things. So be as transparent as possible. And finally, remember that change is less scary when you’re driving it. So… Consider your passengers.

Sharing & copyright information

This resource is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. It may be freely used and shared for commercial & non-commercial purposes provided it remains attributed to Better Business Learning Pty Ltd (trading as ‘Change Activation’), is not modified or displayed in part, and is not re-sold. For further information contact info@changeactivation.com.