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Change Stakeholder Playing Cards

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A unique activity facilitation resource for change makers who want to foster a better understanding of stakeholders in the change process.


Stakeholder playing card templates

Playing Cards

12 page facilitation guide

Activity Facilitation Guide

Activity handout

Activity Handout


What’s In It for Them


Tell the group how various stakeholders might be affected by change, and in turn, react to that change. Work together to create solutions.

Story Telling


Practice telling stories about change! Use the stakeholder playing cards to give the story teller either a target audience or a cast of characters to include in their story.

Role Plays


Involve participants to identify the stakeholders in your change initiative through role play.



An icebreaker for a session on change communication or stakeholder engagement.

HINT: Laminate the stakeholder playing cards and keep a deck handy. They form an indispensable tool change makers can draw upon when conducting change project discussions. They are fun and light-hearted, yet serve to illustrate key points about the gamma of stakeholders during change.


How will you utilize the stakeholder playing cards?
Leave your comments below!

Sharing & copyright information

This resource is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. It may be freely used and shared for commercial & non-commercial purposes provided it remains attributed to Better Business Learning Pty Ltd (trading as ‘Change Activation’), is not modified or displayed in part, and is not re-sold. For further information contact info@changeactivation.com.