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A Simple Guide to Personal Transformation

This inspiring and accessible personal growth map shows you concrete steps to take to begin your path to personal transformation.

How to make the most of it:

  • Share it with friends, family and colleagues
  • Print it, laminate it and place it on the wall to empower those around you to create positive change in their lives
  • Use it as a handout for your change management program, course or training session

A Simple Guide to Personal Transformation

Can people really change? YES!

  • Personal change can lead to rewarding growth and development… no matter what your stage in life.
  • You can create the future you want by consciously altering patterns that no longer work well for you.
  • This means becoming very aware of the internal processes in your mind… letting go of the past… and developing new habits that will help create a reality that serves you better.

Here are some tips to help you begin your path to personal transformation:

  • Identify why the status quo no longer works for you: the compelling reason for you to change.
  • Visualize a clear picture of your desired future: a strong motivator to keep you going.
  • What do you want to happen and why?
  • Accept the past. Consider how the lessons you’ve learned have helped.
  • Develop a plan to get you there, with meaningful ways to gauge your success.
  • Create reachable short-term goals that will keep you motivated.
  • Tell friends & family what you want to do and why. Get their support!
  • Find a partner who can support you in your journey.
  • Finally… Celebrate your successes. Even the small victories. You are on your way!

Sharing & copyright information

This resource is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. It may be freely used and shared for commercial & non-commercial purposes provided it remains attributed to Better Business Learning Pty Ltd (trading as ‘Change Activation’), is not modified or displayed in part, and is not re-sold. For further information contact info@changeactivation.com.